Today i have been feeling a little better than i was i found myself laughing three times so thats a bonus for me, I have also managed to cook the dinner and wash the dishes, i also vacuumed our bedroom this morning but thats all i have done dh says thats a big acheivement so i have to believe that, just hoping i can do some more housework tomorrow,
Mmm now i have done something to my laptop because i cant access this blog from there only from the pc in the study dont know what the hell i have done but its completely doing my head in,
I see Sarah tomorrow i am going to hopefully discuss about losing Dr Paul i am sad because i thought i was really going to like him he was changing my meds and thats a good thing (i think)
anyway thats all i have to say for now cant think of anything else to say.
Are those flowers outside your door? I would have to shout for joy each time I passed them.
Jsut stumbled onto you on Blogger.
Best, Jannie
Yes outside the back door thankyou for commenting,
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