Casper and Tink

Tinkle in the park.
Today Linda text me did i want to take the dog to the park so i said yes thought it would kind of walk off a little energy that i have got, anyway this morning made two meat pies two large jam tarts a large pan of soup done the potatoes and peeled the carrots which seems to take ages so dinner was prepared, so off we went to the park drove there and met Linda on the carpark an oh my goodness was it muddy blech only went in my trainers but that didnt really matter as i knew it would be dirty.... our dog makes me laugh because he will walk so far then turn around ready to go home he was like that the three hours we were out, we saw a woman on a horse and i thought it would make a great picture so i asked her can i take a pic of your horse she said of course stood there while i took the picture it was a beautiful horse so on our way back to our cars this woman on the horse spoke to us we answered her then all of a sudden Linda shouted Sue???? i couldnt believe it the woman on the horse was someone we used to work with and i hadnt seen her for over ten years.... hee fancy that seeing someone after all this time and being the person i photographed i really hadnt recognized her, probably wouldnt have done if Linda hadnt shouted to her, the weather today was absolutely freezing next time we go i will have my big woollen scarf on and gloves, I am also going to go on ebay see if i can find Tinkle a thicker coat i dont want him to freeze to death, hes lay here on the couch fast a sleep the walk must have tired him out :D
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