Been to town today with Ashley and Lucas we went in Ashleys car as its bigger than mine so plenty room for Lucas's pram, so off we went at 10am this this morning full of anticipation as Ashley has only driven this new car once and that was last week also she hasnt put the pram up and down to practice either so we knew it would be fun , anyway we arrived in town to a very full car park but then we suddenly saw a space she backed into it plenty room so that was that the next thing was to put the pram up she did that also with no bother so that was a great start to the morning, we did a few jobs including picking up some birthday cards i have got them now right through march so i dont have to worry that i will forget someones birthday woohoo, I am not sure if i have mentioned before but i am having awful trouble with my washing machine it takes practically all day for it to wash one load of laundry so i am going to get another one i just cant cope with a washing machine that wont work properly, i am just thanking my lucky stars that all the children are not at home anymore otherwise i would be going out of my tree with all the washing i would have to do, Dave R. was supposed to ring me yesterday so i said to Rodney i will give him till friday night and if he hasnt rang by then i will get one from the store by internet tomorrow, i must say i certainly wont get the same model as i have now its a rubbish machine and has been from day one,
We got back from town at 3pm just in time for Ashley to pick Lewis up from school i came in emptied the bags and put the kettle on and went upstairs to put my jammies on put the fire on and snuggled here on the couch with the dog its FREEZING outside and its raining hard, now as everyone that knows me i love the rain and can stand any amount of rain but being freezing is another thing so on went the fluffy pink socks to keep my cold toes warm, Rodney started his on-call tonight so i hope he will keep safe, I didnt write it in my blog the other day but Rodney was wrapping up the hose on his work van when some idiot got in the van and tried to steal it Rodney still had hold of the hose not knowing what was happening the stupid thief just kept driving and dragged Rodney down the road for about 30 yards he was very sore his knee has gone scabby and his left side is quite sore, What was nice was the victim support rang to speak with him this morning and of course i had to say he was at work and wasnt sure about what time hes expected home so the lady said she would send him a letter and if he feels he needs support ring them and they will arrange some, I dont think he will use the letter but it was nice of them to get in touch just to aknowledge him. so on that note have a happy weekend and if anything interesting happens tomorrow i will be here:)
I hear you on the washer! When I moved in with my fiance, we didn't have a washer and had to handwash *everything* - NIGHTMARE! When SIL moved, we inherited her 10yr old washing machine, which being inexperienced, I kept overloading and the spin went bad and didn't drain the water from inside! I would flood the kitchen everytime I opened the door of that sucker! When we bought our house, my nan bought a washer off her friend and it has been great!! How we ever lived without one I will never know! Personally, we do a washload of bedding on a Saturday and then 2 loads on a Sunday so we don't use it all that much...We do wash curtains, cushion covers and our fleece blankets that we snuggle in on the sofa probably once a month!
I hope Rodney is feeling a bit better now. How terrifying for him. Please send him my love and get well wishes. He sounds like a fighter and already back on his feet? Most men would be milking it for everything it's worth!! heh!
Claire x
Thanks Claire, woohoo i ordered one i am so excited how daft to be excited over a washing machine LoL
I hear you on the flooding kitchen think we had a twin tub that Rodney bought for ten pounds thirty years ago that was second hand omg what a washer that used to flood my kitchen every time i used it and it actually danced around too we used to live in a terrace house when we first got married and the kitchen had slopeing floor the water used to run out of the back door so that floor was useful LoL
Rodney is a good man and yes he did go straight back to work i have learned over the years if i dont make a fuss then he just gets on with it if i laugh and say oh you'll be okay hes fine the minute i start fussing over him thats when he milks it see i got to know him very well over the years :D
yes i most certainly will pass on your love he will like that,
thanks for reading my blog it makes it all worth while when you know someones reading it :)
love jayne x
The kitchen floods are something aren't they? I got good with stopping it mostly as we couldn't afford a new machine way back then! I used to put the washing up bowl on top of a towel and open it quickly so it sprayed out and gathered in the bowl - Any excess fell on the dirty towel, which would then be put in the next wash load!
Glad Rodney is okay. Des was sick yesterday morning before he went to work and he wanted serious attention! I gave him a hug, told him he was fine, and made him a cup of tea! No more sympathy - and he'd forgotten about it when he finished work! lol!
I love reading your blog! I need to get better at updating mine! I'm about to do a post about the twins I think - I can no longer tell them apart - eek!
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