Today is Thursday New Years Day i still have my stinking cold although i am getting better:) it absolutely freezing here though dh is actually sat with his coat on we have the heating on and the fire is on full and we can still feel the cold, We spent the evening with Ashley and Stuart last night they were playing on the wii Lewis has a new game i cant remember what its called though i am useless with games, i just sat and watched LoL the funny thing is though she said she had done a buffet and when we got there there was a few sausage rolls and crisp Rodney hasnt let her live it down yet we kept laughing about it good job i cooked some ham and took that round we at least had a sandwich it was rather funny, Ashleys baby is still hanging in there he probably thinks its too cold to come out she is getting rather fed up though now and just wants the baby out, i must say though my arms are aching to hold him but really its best if he stays there till maybe sunday then my cold hopefully is completely gone, anyway we arnt doing anything other than staying in and keeping warm today,
So i would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year and hope for only the best for everyone in 2009,
6 days ago
Happy New Year, Jayne!!
The buffet sounds like something I'd do! Eek! lol!
Hope baby decides to make an appearance soon! I can't wait to see the pics!
Claire x
hey claire we still laugh about her buffet, we have just been laughing about it even now, shes done practically allsorts to get this baby to come but still nothing he just doesnt want to come out yet he must be just too comfy in there, Jayne x
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