Friday, 30 January 2009

Billy's funeral

At noon today was Billy's funeral the turn out was brilliant he would have been so proud to see all his friends and workmates there to say their goodbyes, His wife H, was very composed he would have been so proud of that also, you could see the pain on her face my heart went out to her and their children it just seems so unfair that a man of his age had to suffer and die the way he did, H, his wife said he would have been glad that he died like he did it was quick and just the way he would have wanted it, such a sad day and a huge loss to his friends and family,

The boss from the factory were we all worked was even there he actually closed the factory for the morning so everyone could go which is a first he has never been known to do that before but then he got on very well with Bill in fact Bill got along with everyone i never knew anyone there that had a bad word for him,

Thursday, 29 January 2009

Welcome Hoover

Welcome to my NEW Hoover washing machine i was ecstatic when it came this morning i couldn't wait until Rodney connected it up for me i have been longing to see clean white towels mucky work stuff actually clean:)

So he connected it up for me i read the instructions (that's my new years resolution to myself actually read them and understand them before i get an appliance to work, so i read the instructions and put the first load of washing in Rodney's and Michael's work stuff everything is fine so off i go upstairs to iron my trousers for Billy's funeral tomorrow... all of a sudden it sounds like someone is actually hammering on the door in a panic... i run downstairs and find out the huge noise is coming from within the kitchen... its the darn washing machine .... my beautiful new washing machine was dancing well i should say jigging all around i grab hold of it and it actually swung me around with it OMG it freaked me out, i honestly didn't know what or why it was doing it, Mike had by this point come home from work for his lunch and was trying to grab a hold of it too eventually it stopped jigging only for us to find out Rodney had forgotten to take the transit bolts off :p

So Mike takes them off for me and i read said instructions again to wash the towels on a 90 degree wash i wanted to wash them that high as they are white towels and i wanted them white again.... Okay now towels in powder and softener in all set .... go.... about half hour later Rodney goes in the kitchen to put kettle on i am by this time chatting to Ashley on the phone and i hear Rodney shouting to me ...... the "kitchen is flooding" i shout back "WHAT"?????? he replies again only louder "THE KITCHEN IS FLOODED"... okay i say only not quite that calmly i actually drop the phone with Ashley hanging on the other end run to the kitchen and find indeed the kitchen is flooded SHIT SHIT SHIT i run to get the mop while Rodney looks in the cupboard the darn pipe had come off the other pipe that it fits on can no one do anything proper in this house?? Rodney just put it back on then upstairs WTF not even connecting it with the clip..

When Mike had finished work he came in kitchen laughing his head off when i told him what sort of things have been happening here anyway he fixed it he connected the clip that tightens the pipe ..... so last two loads of laundry have been washed with NO problems, ugh!!! and some women say staying at home is boring, well i beg to differ... my days are hardly boring.

Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Spring is almost here

Spring is just around the corner according to my hyacinths they are poking their little heads up i am so excited by this my garden will soon be in flower which i love to see, although i love winter so much and am sad to see it coming to an end its nice to know that the flowers think its time that they poked their little heads up.

On another note my washer is coming tomorrow YAY!!!! i cant wait to start the mountain of washing that's accumulated :D

Monday, 26 January 2009


Refusing to move LoL

Muddy Canal
Today Linda and I and the dogs set out to walk along the canal this afternoon, our doggie with his new coat on.... he loves his coat it really keeps him warm pity it doesnt make him walk far LoL we get so far and he stops and refuses to move so i end up carrying him i am sure i must look pretty silly walking along actually CARRYING HIM :D

We ended up not walking along the canal because it was so muddy i had my wellies on but Linda only had her trainers on not really suitable for muddy walking, we were still out two hours what should have only taken an hour because of keep stopping to pick him up. The funny thing is we come home i wash his feet and his belly and he flakes out for the night LoL,

Saturday, 24 January 2009


Today i am saying goodbye washing machine its been the bane of my life since i bought it over a year ago i have never been able to use the darn thing and I HATE IT WITH A PASSION!!!!!! so goodbye and good riddance and i cant wait till Thursday till i get my NEW HOOVER washing machine may we have many years of happy washing:)

Friday, 23 January 2009

Been to town today

Been to town today with Ashley and Lucas we went in Ashleys car as its bigger than mine so plenty room for Lucas's pram, so off we went at 10am this this morning full of anticipation as Ashley has only driven this new car once and that was last week also she hasnt put the pram up and down to practice either so we knew it would be fun , anyway we arrived in town to a very full car park but then we suddenly saw a space she backed into it plenty room so that was that the next thing was to put the pram up she did that also with no bother so that was a great start to the morning, we did a few jobs including picking up some birthday cards i have got them now right through march so i dont have to worry that i will forget someones birthday woohoo, I am not sure if i have mentioned before but i am having awful trouble with my washing machine it takes practically all day for it to wash one load of laundry so i am going to get another one i just cant cope with a washing machine that wont work properly, i am just thanking my lucky stars that all the children are not at home anymore otherwise i would be going out of my tree with all the washing i would have to do, Dave R. was supposed to ring me yesterday so i said to Rodney i will give him till friday night and if he hasnt rang by then i will get one from the store by internet tomorrow, i must say i certainly wont get the same model as i have now its a rubbish machine and has been from day one,

We got back from town at 3pm just in time for Ashley to pick Lewis up from school i came in emptied the bags and put the kettle on and went upstairs to put my jammies on put the fire on and snuggled here on the couch with the dog its FREEZING outside and its raining hard, now as everyone that knows me i love the rain and can stand any amount of rain but being freezing is another thing so on went the fluffy pink socks to keep my cold toes warm, Rodney started his on-call tonight so i hope he will keep safe, I didnt write it in my blog the other day but Rodney was wrapping up the hose on his work van when some idiot got in the van and tried to steal it Rodney still had hold of the hose not knowing what was happening the stupid thief just kept driving and dragged Rodney down the road for about 30 yards he was very sore his knee has gone scabby and his left side is quite sore, What was nice was the victim support rang to speak with him this morning and of course i had to say he was at work and wasnt sure about what time hes expected home so the lady said she would send him a letter and if he feels he needs support ring them and they will arrange some, I dont think he will use the letter but it was nice of them to get in touch just to aknowledge him. so on that note have a happy weekend and if anything interesting happens tomorrow i will be here:)

Thursday, 22 January 2009

Our walk,

Went for a walk again this afternoon with Linda and her dog Casper was out for quite some while was bitterly cold but this time i had my gloves and a lovely warm scarf on so i actually went prepared :D We had a lovely walk, its surprising how many people stop and chat or if they walk by they smile its a nice feeling, Tink will only walk so far then stand there and demand to be picked up and carried not because hes lazy its because he has bad arthitis in his back legs its sad really as its only a few years ago he could walk for miles and miles,
I decided to put him into the kitchen sink instead of the shower, i think he was a little confused LoL,


Yesterday i had some really bad news, someone i knew at school and actually worked fifteen years with died yesterday morning i am so saddened and shocked by this he was same age as me and that makes me feel that none of us are invincible, he was diagnosed with cancer of the throat he had lost his voice for a year before he actually went to see a Dr, eventually it was said he had cancer had an operation and chemo another twelve to eighteen months went by and he found a lump in his neck only to find that was cancer too, i thought he was doing well after that but obviously not, its said he died of an aneurysm, I am not sure when his funeral will be but i think i will be going. Rest in Peace Billy, "...In Christ we were chosen.....".Ephesians 1:11-14

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Our walk today

Sue and her horse Savanah
The remains of Lions Bridge

Casper and Tink

Align Centre
Tinkle in the park.

Today Linda text me did i want to take the dog to the park so i said yes thought it would kind of walk off a little energy that i have got, anyway this morning made two meat pies two large jam tarts a large pan of soup done the potatoes and peeled the carrots which seems to take ages so dinner was prepared, so off we went to the park drove there and met Linda on the carpark an oh my goodness was it muddy blech only went in my trainers but that didnt really matter as i knew it would be dirty.... our dog makes me laugh because he will walk so far then turn around ready to go home he was like that the three hours we were out, we saw a woman on a horse and i thought it would make a great picture so i asked her can i take a pic of your horse she said of course stood there while i took the picture it was a beautiful horse so on our way back to our cars this woman on the horse spoke to us we answered her then all of a sudden Linda shouted Sue???? i couldnt believe it the woman on the horse was someone we used to work with and i hadnt seen her for over ten years.... hee fancy that seeing someone after all this time and being the person i photographed i really hadnt recognized her, probably wouldnt have done if Linda hadnt shouted to her, the weather today was absolutely freezing next time we go i will have my big woollen scarf on and gloves, I am also going to go on ebay see if i can find Tinkle a thicker coat i dont want him to freeze to death, hes lay here on the couch fast a sleep the walk must have tired him out :D

Monday, 19 January 2009


You can sort of just make out the snow here,

At the back again

A little blurred bit nevertheless its still snow

Out at the front it kind of looks like rain though.

Well its been snowing today not enough to stick because its been raining hard all morning, of course i just had to take some pics of our snow, just to prove to myself that we have had some LoL,

Sunday, 18 January 2009

Sunday 18th January

And then of course i just had to have one of my
precious daughter and her two sons

Like Grandson like Grandad LoL
Of course this evening i just had to have
my daily fix of Lucas i love him so much,

And of course we had to have one with
the teddy that usually sits on the radiator:)

Here you can see the Tinkles cataracts
its so sad to know that he just cant see as well as he could,
I have been to the vets to see if there is anything he can do for him
but the vet said that the dog is too old to go under anaesthesia

Then hes got the both of us here, after
he took the pictures he snuggled
on the couch with me and i love it,

Tinkle loves to be in pictures

Of course he had to take one of Grandad
as Stuart calls it licking the laptop, Lol

One of Lewis's pictures he actually had me to lay down here

Today we have been busy and Lewis came round i just love that little guy so much he was taking pictures of his grandad and me and of course the dog, Lol we snuggled on the couch while we watched Peppa pig, its so cute that program:) I have been doing Ashley's washing for the last week because her washer broke and mines stupid as they come it only works when it wants so what should take half and hour to forty minutes takes almost all darn morning its just stupid, anyway i am going to get a new one i just have to i cant cope with this washer much longer its driving me crazy.

Thursday, 15 January 2009

One week old today

Lucas is one week old today, of course i had to nip round tonight to see him and of course take a couple of pictures of him, yesterday they had visitors lots of visitors and one of them was Stuarts boss he brought Ashley some beautiful flowers and they had a collection at Stuarts work and collected quite a bit of money to buy the baby something which was a very nice gesture,

Monday, 12 January 2009

Of course i just have to post more LoL

More pics of the baby, i just cant help myself:)

Sunday, 11 January 2009

Saturday 10th January 2009

More flowers
Daddy with Lucas

Lewis took this pic such a shame that there was no one to take it with him on

Lewis took this one

The family

Ashleys boys

Auntie Lou as the kids call her,

Last night i of course took more piccies of Lucas well i just had to Lol
Rodney and i went grocery shopping for us and for Ashley i want her to rest as much as possible and concentrate on getting rest and feeling better, so i have organized dinner for the next few nights and will take it from there, we called round to give her the stuff we had bought and took two pizzas and garlic bread and also some chocolate eclairs her favourite cake:)
when we got there Linda my best friend and Ashley's god mother was there nursing the baby so while grandad and daddy and Lewis played on the wii i put the shopping away while Ashley put the pizzas in the oven with the garlic bread we were all hungry and ready for something to eat, of course i just had to take some more pictures well its inevitable isn't it Lol

Saturday, 10 January 2009

Lucas Stuart

Flowers from us, Natalie and nanna
The proud daddy

mummy and Lucas

Very proud grandma with daddy looking on,

Uncle Joel

Just kiss those baby feets:)

Proud Uncle Michael

Very Proud Grandad,

Of course i have to post more pictures of our newest addition to our family