Welcome to my NEW Hoover washing machine i was ecstatic when it came this morning i couldn't wait until Rodney connected it up for me i have been longing to see clean white towels mucky work stuff actually clean:)
So he connected it up for me i read the instructions (that's my new years resolution to myself actually read them and understand them before i get an appliance to work, so i read the instructions and put the first load of washing in Rodney's and Michael's work stuff everything is fine so off i go upstairs to iron my trousers for Billy's funeral tomorrow... all of a sudden it sounds like someone is actually hammering on the door in a panic... i run downstairs and find out the huge noise is coming from within the kitchen... its the darn washing machine .... my beautiful new washing machine was dancing well i should say jigging all around i grab hold of it and it actually swung me around with it OMG it freaked me out, i honestly didn't know what or why it was doing it, Mike had by this point come home from work for his lunch and was trying to grab a hold of it too eventually it stopped jigging only for us to find out Rodney had forgotten to take the transit bolts off :p
So Mike takes them off for me and i read said instructions again to wash the towels on a 90 degree wash i wanted to wash them that high as they are white towels and i wanted them white again.... Okay now towels in powder and softener in all set .... go.... about half hour later Rodney goes in the kitchen to put kettle on i am by this time chatting to Ashley on the phone and i hear Rodney shouting to me ...... the "kitchen is flooding" i shout back "WHAT"?????? he replies again only louder "THE KITCHEN IS FLOODED"... okay i say only not quite that calmly i actually drop the phone with Ashley hanging on the other end run to the kitchen and find indeed the kitchen is flooded SHIT SHIT SHIT i run to get the mop while Rodney looks in the cupboard the darn pipe had come off the other pipe that it fits on can no one do anything proper in this house?? Rodney just put it back on then upstairs WTF not even connecting it with the clip..
When Mike had finished work he came in kitchen laughing his head off when i told him what sort of things have been happening here anyway he fixed it he connected the clip that tightens the pipe ..... so last two loads of laundry have been washed with NO problems, ugh!!! and some women say staying at home is boring, well i beg to differ... my days are hardly boring.