i actually had it when David was born and
hes 30 in June of this year.

Well i have already done a big long post but i lost it :(
Tuesday i went to see my new pdoc hes quite nice hes one for explaining everything i was in there from 3.30pm till almost 5pm, hubby and Kelly was with me, anyway i am to keep on with the Tegretol Sertraline reduced to 100mg but going up again another 50mg if and when needed, Seroquel is increased to 300mg i am scared of that one because it makes you fat and i already feel fat or i should say i am fat, it kind of knocks all my self confidence about how i feel about myself, I also of course carry on taking my Thyroxine which at the moment is 125mcg thats not changed since before Christmas, the Zopiclone i have knocked on the head for the time being,
he also talked about putting me on Lithium but that would mean i would have to be hospitalized untill the changeover, so we decided that we stay as we are for the moment which is quite fine by me but i often wonder if my meds were changed it may be for the best as i have been pretty much on this combination of meds for around ten years except for the Seroquel,
On another note its been snowing again today it looked really pretty when i looked out of the window this morning i love to watch the snow falling it always looks so peaceful,
Last night i went round to Ashley's to look after Lucas while she took Becki home her best friend from school Becks car isnt working not till weekend anyway, she also had to nip to Asda to change the nappies she got when we went yesterday she bought size three by mistake they were huge LoL, Of course last night i took my camera to take a couple of pics of Lucas well i just had to didnt i?
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