Today i took the dog to the groomers when i dropped him off i called off at the new hairdressers just around the corner from where i live hes called David James and has a good reputation in haircutting so i bit the bullet and thought right call in and make an appointment well my lucky day he had a cancelation so i booked my appointment for 2.30 anyway i went in and we chatted about what would be a good cut and easy for me to manage he did it so nice that i have booked myself in again for the 3rd April, of course we had to take pics :)
Hubs has been doing the garden today at the bottom and has really made headway its looking a lot clearer he wants to put the greenhouse down there this summer so that will be nice for us both as i love to potter about in the garden and he likes to grow stuff,
Your hair is looking fabulous, Jayne!
Claire x
Thanks Claire i am looking decidedly old nowadays, i will be fifty on friday and i am so not looking foward to it:(
Its kind of when you have to tick the boxes where it says aged between 45 and 55 and i will now have to tick that box how sad:*( i have already recieved a few birthday cards and they say fifty on them oh the shame of it, LoL
But thanks for the complement on my hair, Jayne x
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