Today is Christmas eve i have been so busy today went to the church yard to visit dads grave with my mother i laid a lovely wreath there, when we got back to the car i said we will just nip to the petrol station up the road okay she replied now i have to say i do have trouble getting the damn petrol cap off this car its so darn hard thing is dh can do it so can the kids my friend Linda did it the last time i filled up so why the heck cant i do it? so mum tried and she couldnt do it this was while we were parked in the school yard so i asked a bloke who was with his wife who had also been laying flowers anyway he struggled but managed it so with it loose we drove off to get the petrol i filled the tank to the top and more it came running down the car
anyway cut a long story short i had to ask another bloke to fasten it back in next car i get it WILL NOT have a petrol cap like this one, So we are on our way back to mothers and she knew how busy i am today and she says to me lets go to the park for a walk ARRRRGGHHHH what a woman ..........i cant believe after her hearing me chat on the way down telling her everything i have to do today she wants me to walk in the park,
So i get home make some coffee and Ashley and Lewis call off they were here almost all afternoon so nothing got done i ended up virtually shoving them out saying i have so much to do y0u will have to go home i am sure she does it to wind me up LoL
So for the last five hours i have been more or less meeting myself coming back ....now all the presents are wrapped and under the tree the stockings are hung the turkey is in the oven ready to be switched on the veg is peeled i am showered and hair washed the house has been vacuumed and i am sat on the couch now watching my favourite show CSI, dh is also on call all over Christmas he tells me tonight when he comes home from work that he has to be out at 9am in the morning and probably will not be home for lunch i am gutted it will be the first time in 33 years that we havent had christmas lunch together hes worked the last four years on call at Christmas time but always managed to get home for lunch :(
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