Friday, 3 July 2009

Hot hot and hotter

Mummy and Lucas having tummy time, ha
Tummy time:)

Sitting with Grandma

Sitting up for the first time, clever little boy
and hes not even six months old, ha

The weather has been so hot here its been sweltering, I am sure i have been melting, just for the record i much prefer the rain AND its raining here today as well as being very humid, the other day when Ashley was round here Lewis sat up on his own for the first time that was so exciting for him i dont think it will be too long before hes crawling as he wants to be off, Later today i am going to nip to the shops to buy a ceiling fan for Michaels bedroom, it get's very hot in there even in the winter and he has trouble sleeping, so thats what i am up to this afternoon.

1 comment:

Becky Fyfe said...

Look at him sitting up on his own! (Cameron is almost crawling but still not sitting up on his own even though he is 7 months.)