Sunday, 5 July 2009


Lewis shouted "Grandma" and took this!!!
Lucas is teething and the frozen yoghurt is soothing

he adores it:)

Lucas eating strawberry yoghurt

Lewis and Lucas together

Popped round to Ashleys and saw Lucas sitting there:)

The blue bowl and potpourri

Lewis eating his apple

The bluey/green Cushion
if you tilt it it looks purple i love them

Today the sun was shining well it was this morning hubby mowed the front lawn came through to the back and it rained very hard however it has still been hot hot and very hot, mum and Ashley and the boys came for dinner as Stuart was working on call shift and my mother is on her own and usually comes Sunday saves her being alone, and that's about it for today nothing happened just pretty boring really. Thursday i bought a new glass table to put the TV on its a lot nicer than those wooden tables i had in there, Then on Friday i nipped to Next and bought a blue bowl and some potpourri it has a gorgeous scent, my new cushions came from Thailand they are a greeny bluey silk and i love them they really tie in with the rug.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

What cute, cute boys! Thank you for following my blog! xoxo

Ashley L.