I first of all spent all morning at the hospital, for those of you who dont know i have had a painful shoulder for about ten years, I blame my job (well the job that i had) so every so often i have to go and have cortisone injections in the burser, (sp) i drove to the hospital for 8.30am and arrived home at NOON the consultant had me swinging my poor arm all over the place the pain is awful, then i had to go for x-rays so i wait in the x-ray department for thirty minutes get undressed put one of those silly gowns on that are open all down the back, i bet the nurses have seen more butts than they have had hot dinners LoL, so i have my x-rays and get dressed then i have to go right over the other side of the hospital to reawait seeing the consultant so i sit and i wait and i wait till eventually the consultant calls my name in i go he looks at the x-rays on his pc (I think thats rather clever actually) no more having to carry the x-ray films... anyway he says there is no calcification which i am happy about, its a small bone pushing down into the muscle and thats whats causing the pain he asked me about physio but i tell him it didnt work before, anyway he still wants me to have some physio treatment, he then offers me a cortisone injection i agree to this as last time it did help, so he does the injections there and then and WOW the first one hurt like a bitch, the second one wasnt so bad anyway its done now so i am hoping in the next couple of days it finally kicks in I am just about done with the pain and not being able to lift my arm comfortably,
I had a lovely surprise this afternoon Ashley came over with Lucas, i love to see him i fall more and more in love with that little boy everytime i see him:) Of course pictures were taken i wouldnt be Grandma if i didnt take pictures LoL,
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