Thursday, 30 July 2009

Sleepy Lucas

He played hard so hard he fell asleep!!
He loves to play.

He's a chatty little chappy.

And of course my little Tinkle:)

I babysat Lucas this afternoon

Sunday, 26 July 2009

Nanna's and great grandchildren

There is a squirrel on the fence here
although with my great photography you can hardly see it :)
I thought this so pretty while we
were on our way out of the park

Lewis in the saucer we took
him to the park yesterday

Of course Lewis with his famous ball

Great Nanna and boys

My mother came this afternoon as did Ashley and the boys
mother loves to see them,

Monday, 20 July 2009

Carrots and park

Playing football with some other boys

At the park this afternoon

Here he is getting them out carefully

Hubby picking the carrots

Yesterday hubby picked his carrots he has been excited about this for over a week but as he was on call last week he decided to wait and pick them sunday, I cooked them for dinner tonight he loved them:) Soooo today it has been raining on and off but we still thought we would take Lewis to the park we got rained on but isnt that the fun of the school holidays LoL.

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Lazy lazy day

I love Yankee candles

this one is rose and magnolia, just sayin'

And i just had to add this picture

as i love the saying on the board
If you cant see it just click on the pic.

These are the lillies

that i bought me from hubby

Today i didn't get out of bed till 11.30am which i find quite appalling, i slept the morning away:( anyway all i did today was make beds clean the bathroom and swept the kitchen floor, went for a ride with Ashley and Lucas as Stuart was working not too far away and needed some pain killers for the pain in his face, we were only out about half an hour, nothing much else to say except i bought me some flowers and said to the hubby when he arrived home from work Thank you honey for the flowers they are beautiful he doesn't say anything he just looks at me with raised eyebrows Lol,

Sunday, 12 July 2009

Another year another birthday

This picture of dad is on my living room wall
so i can see him everyday,
Today it would have been my fathers 79th birthday, I love and miss that man so much, i had a wonderful childhood and he made that possible, my dad would have been so proud of my children and i often wonder what he would have made of my grandchildren i am sure he would have loved them as much as i and hubster do,
Happy Birthday Dad,
I love you so much and if i had one wish it would be to have you here again.

Saturday, 11 July 2009


Joshua and Lewis they play wonderful together.

Grandchildren are so precious to me my family is my life, i live for my husband, children and my grandchildren, okay now i have gushed about my little family i have to talk about Stuart, his face is an absolute mess today it was bad yesterday but today its even worse he cant see through his left eye and hes having a few problems with pain i feel so sorry for him,
My dh is on call as from yesterday till next thursday so this saturday evening i am on my own with the dog sat it the conservatory and the rain is belting down it sounds wonderful on the glass roof, hubby will more than likely be very late due to the rain. I had dinner with Ashley and Stuart and Lewis and Joshua came for a couple of hours to play with Lewis they play wonderful together its a joy to see,

Friday, 10 July 2009

Smack in the face

Stuart with two black eyes and broken nose.
Stuart, Ashleys SO has worked a lot of hours this last week as hes been on call, he was on his last job of the shift and the hose smacked him full in the face the poor man has a broken nose and two black eyes he is in so much pain, fortunately he was working down the road from a hospital so he was rushed to the ER and had a cat scan to determine what sort of damage has been done, hes home now but really is in an awful lot of pain,

Sunday, 5 July 2009


Lewis shouted "Grandma" and took this!!!
Lucas is teething and the frozen yoghurt is soothing

he adores it:)

Lucas eating strawberry yoghurt

Lewis and Lucas together

Popped round to Ashleys and saw Lucas sitting there:)

The blue bowl and potpourri

Lewis eating his apple

The bluey/green Cushion
if you tilt it it looks purple i love them

Today the sun was shining well it was this morning hubby mowed the front lawn came through to the back and it rained very hard however it has still been hot hot and very hot, mum and Ashley and the boys came for dinner as Stuart was working on call shift and my mother is on her own and usually comes Sunday saves her being alone, and that's about it for today nothing happened just pretty boring really. Thursday i bought a new glass table to put the TV on its a lot nicer than those wooden tables i had in there, Then on Friday i nipped to Next and bought a blue bowl and some potpourri it has a gorgeous scent, my new cushions came from Thailand they are a greeny bluey silk and i love them they really tie in with the rug.

Friday, 3 July 2009

Hot hot and hotter

Mummy and Lucas having tummy time, ha
Tummy time:)

Sitting with Grandma

Sitting up for the first time, clever little boy
and hes not even six months old, ha

The weather has been so hot here its been sweltering, I am sure i have been melting, just for the record i much prefer the rain AND its raining here today as well as being very humid, the other day when Ashley was round here Lewis sat up on his own for the first time that was so exciting for him i dont think it will be too long before hes crawling as he wants to be off, Later today i am going to nip to the shops to buy a ceiling fan for Michaels bedroom, it get's very hot in there even in the winter and he has trouble sleeping, so thats what i am up to this afternoon.