they took these home,

Joshua was on a tractor here picking the balls up:)
this is a paper airplane you had to shoot it into the ring

Joshua loved this he had loads of fun painting
here is Lewis painting
Here Joshua was painting his portrait

head and your in the bubble

Joshua on a balancing board
Joshua on a balancing board
the boys had heaps of fun with that
On Wednesday we went to Underwater in Liverpool its an activity center for children ages 3 to 11, the kids loved it we took Joshua with us too hubby went with Stuart and the boys Lewis and Joshua and i went with Ashley and Lucas like i said the kids loved it after we had been there for a good two hours (we had to leave then because of the car parking place) we took them to Macdonalds, now i dont usually like Maccy D's the food is neither here nor there but the kids chose to go there so off we went, we finally got home around 4pm so we had been out practically all day,
I am still depressed been this way since tuesday its hard for me to get out of bed but i am trying very hard to pick myself up but its quite difficult just hope this depression doesnt last too long...
Hi Jayne,
I'm sorry you're feeling depressed at the moment. I'm really hoping that it passes quickly for you (((HUGS))).
Looks like everyone had a good time...And I must say that you're looking FANTASTIC in the pic you posted previously!
I was also going to mention that since we're in the same time zone, if you ever wanted to chat or text or if I can do anything at all to help with your depression, please e-mail me through either my blog or Delphi profile and I'll give you my phone number.
Keep your chin up honey!
Claire x
Thankyou so very much Claire that is much appreciated, its nice when someone cares so much to do that ,
love jayne
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