I have a traumatic morning this morning hubster had an appointment for physio this morning at our local hospital everything was fine he got up at 7am by 8.15 he was back in bed he had some sort of funny turn... he said he felt faint so sat on the floor next thing his arm shot out from his side and he started to shake i can tell you it really scared me i screamed for Mike who was getting ready for work, i am utterly useless in emergencies, anyway to look at him he had no colour in in face his lips were grey and he looked awful anyway we got him into bed and he fell straight to sleep, I got dressed came downstairs put the coffee on mopped the kitchen floor and all the while i was thinking i should ring the doctor to come out and see him, so that's what i did the doctor said ring 999 i am always reluctant to call the emergency services just in case they think its not a real emergency but i called anyway by the time the lady on the end of the phone said if you have any pets put them in another room and make sure the front door is open the ambulance was here i just couldn't believe how quickly they responded they were very nice paramedics they came in and examined hubs who by now had most of the colour back in his face they put pads on his chest and did a heart examination (his father died at 56 of a heart attack) anyway they think it was low blood sugar that caused it he must have moved too quickly and that's what caused him to faint /collapse, I can tell you i was damn scared, I am not ready to be left on my own, as of now hes still in bed, the paramedics did say they would take him to hospital hubs didn't feel it was necessary the paramedic that was talking to him said if you were my dad i would say just rest in bed BUT if the symptoms come back we will always send out another ambulance anyway that put my mind at rest so as of now hes in bed resting,
I want to say i highly respect our Health Service they are probably the best in the world and i don't say this just because of this morning i say this because of the help i myself have received from them as well as them helping hubster this morning,
Oh, Jayne! How frightening! I'm glad your hubby is fine, and the funny turn was nothing serious.
I completely agree about our health service. People are quick to complain (myself included with the fertility stuff!), but the doctors/paramedics/nurses etc truly are life savers!
My Mum went back into hospital the other day after stopping breathing again, and the ambulance was there so fast and my mum is now recovering. Considering how we were asked to discuss turning off her ventilator in Dec 2004, it's a real miracle she's even here today, and that's all thanks to our health service!
I hope DH feels better now. (((HUGS)))
Thanks Claire i am so grateful that it was nothing serious i am not ready to be coping on my own we have been together so long well really since i was a child, i have never been on my own,
So glad about your mum i will keep her in my thoughts that that she keeps well, and yes we both have a lot to be thankful for about our health service we are very very lucky,
thanks for the hugs and i am sending hugs right back at ya,
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