Today was scan day again for Ashley we went together with Lewis (g/s) he was loving seeing the baby but the baby wasnt co-operating wouldnt open its legs so the sonographer could check whether the baby was boy or girl and its little face was embedded down in Ashleys womb, we both have said i bet its a no show baby until its born so we wont be able to buy pink or blue till its born:/
I nipped to Ashleys this afternoon as i saw Beckys car outside her house i like to see Becky as shes like family she was always at out house when they were young like from 12 years to 18 always staying over and they used to go out on the town from here, anyway she was with her neice Lily shes such a beautiful baby and is now teething,
Dh has been on call all week so i havent had to cook anything for dinner except for last night as Lewis comes tuesday and likes me to make a steak pie his favourite so thats what i did and as Stuart is on call also Ashley came too makes it better cooking for a few people as regards cooking for yourself.
Well i got the dentist tomorrow he said last time i went that i needed two crowns and one filling as the filling as broke and wants replacing while the crowns i had done twenty five years ago and they need replacing also the cost of all this is £200 which is a dear do if you ask me but got to have them done so got to pay the price.
well thats all for today i cant think of anything else to say.