Thursday 18 December 2008

Lindas birthday

Mike again in his fancy dress outfit,
Mike is his fancy dress outfit

Ashley at 37/38 weeks pregnant,

Today is my best friends birthday she is fifty i bought her some perfume and some chocolate brazils she loves perfume and loves the brazils, I love Linda very much she is always there for me and is a fantastic friend anyway i have been over to her house this afternoon and spent a couple of hours with her, we live across the road from one another and have done for over ten years now, we have been friends for 33 years a long time and we have never argued once now i would say thats a record in anyones book,
My mother is coming shortly with some eggs she has got for me and some Christmas cards i still dont feel Christmassy at all,
I went to see the pdoc on monday and hes upped one of my meds which i think is a mistake i am a little scared of getting manic dont want to end up in hospital again certainly not while Ashleys baby could be arriving any day now,
Mike has been off work this morning hes been fixing his friends car on the front then hes gone into town with Ashley to do some christmas shopping I thank god for computers as i have practically done all my shopping on line even down to the groceries its been great for me seeing as i havent wanted to go out at all,
well thats about all thats gone on today pretty boring really .......
I have edit this post today as Mike has his fancy dress outfit for sunday when he is going out with all the rugby lads he looks very good in it anyway i have taken some pics..

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